Cap and Gown Sets
Here you will find our selection of quality Bachelor sets - caps, gowns, tassels, year charm / signet - in different variants for College & University. Compare our product quality with the competition you will be thrilled - we know no higher quality! Your Bachelor set is available in 4 different quality grades and styles. Our standard program ranges from the classical packages (SHINY, MATTE) in black or color, through the environmentally packages GO GREEN to the exclusive packages ELEGANT. Should your desired model not yet be found, our customer service would be very happy to have the opportunity to contact you. With our Caps & Gowns you can be ready for your academic ceremony.
Of course, each of our packages includes a gown, cap and a tassel with actual year charm. The tassel is in most cases in the colour of the hat and with current year charm - please check this on the relevant product page. On request, we can serve you with tassels in various ways or even with different year charms.
With our high quality packages made by COLLEGE FASHION you will find the right package for every occasion at your College or University!
In addition to the wide selection of gowns, you can find in our menu a wide range of matching accessories.